Systems of explicit mathematics provide an axiomatic framework to represent programs and to prove properties of them. We introduce such a system with a new form of power types usi...
We introduce a generalization of Independence Friendly (IF) logic in which Eloise (the player) is restricted to a finite amount of information about Abelard's ('s) move...
Abstract. There is a very simple way in which the safe/normal variable discipline of Bellantoni-Cook recursion (1992) can be imposed on arithmetical theories like PA: quantify over...
We propose an extension of answer sets, that we call safe beliefs, that can be used to study several properties and notions of answer sets and logic programming from a more genera...
We give the precise correspondence between polarized linear logic and polarized classical logic. The properties of focalization and reversion of linear proofs are at the heart of ...
Olivier Laurent, Myriam Quatrini, Lorenzo Tortora ...
Abstract. We prove that a finitely generated group is context-free whenever its Cayleygraph has a decidable monadic second-order theory. Hence, by the seminal work of Muller and Sc...
Dynamic Topological Logic provides a context for studying the confluence of the topological semantics for S4, based on topological spaces rather than Kripke frames; topological dy...