Online application performance monitoring allows tracking performance characteristics during execution as opposed to doing so post-mortem. This opens up several possibilities other...
Aroon Nataraj, Matthew J. Sottile, Alan Morris, Al...
This paper describes a source to source compilation tool for optimizing MPI-based parallel applications. This tool is able to automatically apply a “prepushing” transformation...
The resource availability in Grids is generally unpredictable due to the autonomous and shared nature of the Grid resources and stochastic nature of the workload resulting in a be...
A method is presented for modeling application performance on parallel computers in terms of the performance of microkernels from the HPC Challenge benchmarks. Specifically, the a...
: Automated tools for understanding application behavior and its changes during the application life-cycle are essential for many performance analysis and debugging tasks. Applicat...
Ludmila Cherkasova, Kivanc M. Ozonat, Ningfang Mi,...
Abstract—Peer-to-peer relaying is commonly used in realtime applications to cope with NAT and firewall restrictions and provide better quality network paths. As relaying is not ...
Abstract—Multistage interconnection networks based on central switches are ubiquitous in high-performance computing. Applications and communication libraries typically make use o...