—In order to model students’ happiness, we apply machine learning methods to data collected from undergrad students monitored over the course of one month each. The data collec...
Abstract—While it has been well established that affect influences judgments and decision-making, few computational models of the phenomenon exist. The work I have done and prop...
—Moral judgements are a complex phenomenon that have gained a renewed interest in the research community. Many have proposed explanations for moral judgements, including utilitar...
—Previous work on emotion recognition from bodily expressions focused on analysing such expressions in isolation, of individuals or in controlled settings, from a single camera v...
—Automatic recognition of emotion in speech is an active area of research. One of the important open challenges relates to how the emotional characteristics of speech change in t...
Current research in emotion recognition focuses on identifying better feature representations and recognition models. The goal of this project is to improve on current automatic e...
— We present LISSA – Live Interactive Social Skill Assistance – a web-based system that helps people practice their conversational skills by having short conversations with a...
—We investigated whether the dynamics of head and facial movements apart from specific facial expressions communicate affect in infants. Age-appropriate tasks were used to elici...
Abstract—This paper is to show a representation of fundamental frequency (F0) using continuous wavelet transform (CWT) for prosody modeling in emotion conversion. Emotional conve...
Despite a long history and a large volume of affective research, measuring affective states is still a non-trivial task that is complicated by numerous conceptual and methodologica...