Abstract. The explicit management of Quality of Service (QoS) of network connectivity, such as, e.g., working cost, transaction support, and security, is a key requirement for the ...
Rocco De Nicola, Gian Luigi Ferrari, Ugo Montanari...
Digital halftoning, or dithering, is the technique commonly used to render a color or grayscale image on a printer, a computer monitor or other bi-level displays. A particular hal...
Abstract. We present a new proof of axiomatic completeness for Proposition Temporal Logic (PTL) for discrete, linear time for both finite and infinite time (without past-time). T...
In this paper it is explained what Knowledge Management (KM) is and why it will play an important role in the future. This implies that KM is indeed more than just the sophisticate...
Equivalence between designs is a fundamental notion in verification. The linear and branching approaches to verification induce different notions of equivalence. When the designs...
Abstract: In the automotive and aerospace industry, millions of technical documents are generated during the development of complex engineering products. Particularly, the universa...
We discuss the design of Java applets that visualize how the Voronoi diagram of n points continuously changes as individual points are moved across the plane, or as the underlying...
Abstract. We present a general methodology for non-deterministic programming based on pure functional programming. We construct families of automata constructions which are used as...
One of the central axioms of extreme programming is the disciplined use of regression testing during stepwise software development. Due to recent progress in software model checkin...
Thomas A. Henzinger, Ranjit Jhala, Rupak Majumdar,...