Abstract. Structured peer-to-peer overlay networks are a class of algorithms that provide efficient message routing for distributed applications using a sparsely connected communic...
We describe the architecture and the implementation of the MIKADO software framework, that we call IMC (Implementing Mobile Calculi). The framework aims at providing the programmer...
Lorenzo Bettini, Rocco De Nicola, Daniele Falassi,...
Abstract. Behavioural equivalences on open systems are usually defined by comparing system behaviour in all environments. Due to this “universal” quantification over the poss...
Abstract. Is it possible to treat large scale distributed systems as physical systems? The importance of that question stems from the fact that the behavior of many P2P systems is ...
Structured peer-to-peer overlay networks have recently emerged as good candidate infrastructure for building novel large-scale and robust Internet applications in which participat...
This paper compares the expressiveness of ambient calculi against different dialects of the pi-calculus. Cardelli and Gordon encoded the asynchronous pi-calculus into their calcul...
Labelled Markov processes (LMPs) are automata whose transitions are given by probability distributions. In this paper we present a ‘universal’ LMP as the spectrum of a commutat...
Several types of term rewriting systems can be distinguished by the way their rules overlap. In particular, we define the classes of prefix, suffix, bottom-up and top-down system...
In this work we generalize the fundamental notion of recognizability from untimed to timed languages. The essence of our definition is the existence of a right-morphism from the m...
We show that in perfect-information stochastic parity games with a finite state space both players have optimal pure positional strategies. Contrary to the recent proofs of this f...