This paper addresses the problem of “missing requirements” in software requirements specification (SRS) expressed in natural language. Due to rapid changes in technology and b...
Ubiquitous Computing bears a high potential in the area of aircraft maintenance. Extensive requirements regarding quality, safety, and documentation as well as high costs for havi...
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networking is aimed at exploiting the potential of widely distributed information pools and its effortless access and retrieval irrespectively of underlying net...
Web cache replacement algorithms have received a lot of attention during the past years. Though none of the proposed algorithms deals efficiently with all the particularities of t...
This paper presents a local search algorithm based on variable depth search, called the k-opt local search, for the maximum clique problem. The k-opt local search performs add and...
Building an effective Information Retrieval system requires various design choices, ranging from the weighting scheme to the type of morphological normalization. The combination ...
Clustered L0 buffers are an interesting alternative to reduce energy consumption in the instruction memory hierarchy of embedded VLIW processors. Currently, the synthesis of L0 cl...
Murali Jayapala, Tom Vander Aa, Francisco Barat, G...