In this paper we propose an architecture for the computation of the double—precision floating—point multiply—add fused (MAF) operation A + (B × C) that permits to compute ...
The fused multiply accumulate instruction (fused-mac) that is available on some current processors such as the Power PC or the Itanium eases some calculations. We give examples of...
— We develop the foundations for confirming monotonicity of a multi-term reciprocal function approximation. We introduce the concept of operand recoding to improve the accuracy ...
We propose a new number representation and arithmetic for the elements of the ring of integers modulo p. The socalled Polynomial Modular Number System (PMNS) allows for fast polyn...
Jean-Claude Bajard, Laurent Imbert, Thomas Plantar...
— The Residue Logarithmic Number System (RLNS) represents real values as quantized logarithms which, in turn, are represented using the Residue Number System (RNS). Compared to t...
The pipelined CORDIC with linear approximation to rotation has been proposed to achieve reductions in delay, power and area; however, the schemes for rotation (multiplication) and...
We present a radix-2 online computational scheme for evaluating multinomials in a fixed-point number representation system. Its main advantage is that it can adapt to any evaluat...