Reliability-aware power management (RAPM) schemes have been recently studied to save energy while preserving system reliability. The existing RAPM schemes, however, provision for ...
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become an increasingly compelling platform for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) applications, since they can be installed relatively inexpen...
Automakers are trying to make vehicles more intelligent and safe by embedding processors which can be used to implement by-wire applications for taking smart decisions on the road...
With the advent of increasingly complex hardware in realtime embedded systems (processors with performance enhancing features such as pipelines, cache hierarchy, multiple cores), ...
Abstract—We apply automata theory to specifying behavioral interfaces of objects and show how to check schedulability and compatibility of real time asynchronous objects. The beh...
Mohammad Mahdi Jaghoori, Delphine Longuet, Frank S...
—In this paper, we present a novel method to reconstruct the large scale scenes from multiple calibrated images. It first generates a quasi-dense 3D point cloud of the scene by m...
—Relevance feedback(RF) has been proved to be an effective way to improve the precision and recall of 3D model retrieval. However, the existing RF approaches do not consider whic...
—To rapidly and accurately search the corresponding points along scan-lines, rectification of stereo pairs are performed so that corresponding epipolar lines are parallel to the ...
3D reconstruction has a long history, few workable reconstruction systems are available although many magnificent theories and algorithms are reported in literature. In this paper...