Sophie is an easy-to-use authoring tool that enables its users to combine various media into a new kind of book. With SophieServer, an extension to Sophie, it is now possible to s...
The Language Grid is an infrastructure for enabling users to share language resources developed by language specialists and end-user communities. The users employ the resources to...
Active content in multimedia documents helps the reader to grasp the implications of nonlinear and complex systems that are difficult to understand in a text-based description. T...
We present a new basic metaphors and concepts for authoring environments by distinguishing between content and form. By distinguishing between planning the scope of action (conten...
Introducing technology as a sustainable means of creating, connecting, and collaborating introduces the need to carefully consider subtle aspects of deployment strategies and supp...
Yagiz Onat Yazir, Katherine Gunion, Christopher Pe...
In a MANET environment, communication links are unstable due to various reasons. Error rate is higher and bandwidth is smaller than fixed networks. Running conventional TCP protoco...