String matching with mismatches is a basic concept of information retrieval with some kinds of approximation. This paper proposes an FFT-based algorithm for the problem of string ...
Abstract. Recently, Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is used by enterprises, government, and the military, as well as small office and home offices. Although it is convenient, it...
Leftist grammars [Motwani et al., STOC 2000] are special semi-Thue systems where symbols can only insert or erase to their left. We develop a theory of leftist grammars seen as wor...
Depth-bounded processes form the most expressive known fragment of the π-calculus for which interesting verification problems are still decidable. In this paper we develop an ade...
Abstract. We introduce a generalisation of monads, called relative monads, allowing for underlying functors between different categories. Examples include finite-dimensional vect...
Abstract. We present the first complete soundness proof of the antiframe rule, a recently proposed proof rule for capturing information hiding in the presence of higher-order stor...
Jan Schwinghammer, Hongseok Yang, Lars Birkedal, F...
For many application-level distributed protocols and parallel algorithms, the set of participants, the number of messages or the interaction structure are only known at run-time. T...
This paper presents a range of quantitative extensions for the temporal logic CTL. We enhance temporal modalities with the ability to constrain the number of states satisfying cert...
The paper considers the complexity of verifying that a finite state system satisfies a number of definitions of information flow security. The systems model considered is one i...
Abstract. The resource calculus is an extension of the λ-calculus allowing to model resource consumption. Namely, the argument of a function comes as a finite multiset of resourc...