An error-correcting code is said to be locally testable if it has an efficient spot-checking procedure that can distinguish codewords from strings that are far from every codeword...
A string α ∈ Σn is called p-periodic, if for every i, j ∈ {1, . . . , n}, such that i ≡ j mod p, αi = αj, where αi is the i-th place of α. A string α ∈ Σn is said t...
Constructions of k-wise almost independent permutations have been receiving a growing amount of attention in recent years. However, unlike the case of k-wise independent functions...
Abstract: We study the average-case learnability of DNF formulas in the model of learning from uniformly distributed random examples. We define a natural model of random monotone ...
Abstract. We consider the problem of fitting an n × n distance matrix M by a tree metric T. We give a factor O(min{n1/p , (k log n)1/p }) approximation algorithm for finding the...