Given a set of points in the plane, and a sweep-line as a tool, what is best way to move the points to a target point using a sequence of sweeps? In a sweep, the sweep-line is plac...
A long-standing conjecture in Combinatorial Optimization is that the integrality gap of the Held-Karp LP relaxation for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (ATSP) is a consta...
We study the directed minimum latency problem: given an n-vertex asymmetric metric (V, d) with a root vertex r V , find a spanning path originating at r that minimizes the sum of...
Abstract. In this paper, we propose a general framework for designing fully polynomial time approximation schemes for combinatorial optimization problems, in which more than one ob...
It is known that if a 2-universal hash function H is applied to elements of a block source (X1, . . . , XT ), where each item Xi has enough min-entropy conditioned on the previous...
We consider (uniform) reductions from computing a function f to the task of distinguishing the output of some pseudorandom generator G from uniform. Impagliazzo and Wigderson [IW]...
Abstract. We give a (ln n + 1)-approximation for the decision tree (DT) problem. An instance of DT is a set of m binary tests T = (T1, . . . , Tm) and a set of n items X = (X1, . ....