
84views more  MP 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Optimal 3-terminal cuts and linear programming
Given an undirected graph G = (V;E) and three speci ed terminal nodes t1;t2;t3, a 3-cut is a subset A of E such that no two terminals are in the same component of GnA. If a non-neg...
Kevin K. H. Cheung, William H. Cunningham, Lawrenc...
91views more  DAM 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
A note on the precedence-constrained class sequencing problem
We give a short proof of a result of Tovey [6] on the inapproximability of a scheduling problem known as precedence constrained class sequencing. In addition, we present an approxi...
José R. Correa, Samuel Fiorini, Nicol&aacut...
88views more  JDA 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Combinatorial 5/6-approximation of Max Cut in graphs of maximum degree 3
The best approximation algorithm for Max Cut in graphs of maximum degree 3 uses semidefinite programming, has approximation ratio 0.9326, and its running time is (n3.5 log n) ; bu...
Cristina Bazgan, Zsolt Tuza
134views more  JCO 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
On minimum m -connected k -dominating set problem in unit disc graphs
Minimum m-connected k-dominating set problem is as follows: Given a graph G = (V,E) and two natural numbers m and k, find a subset S V of minimal size such that every vertex in V ...
Weiping Shang, F. Frances Yao, Peng-Jun Wan, Xiaod...
75views more  ECCC 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Note on MAX 2SAT
In this note we present an approximation algorithm for MAX 2SAT that given a (1 - ) satisfiable instance finds an assignment of variables satisfying a 1 - O( ) fraction of all co...
Moses Charikar, Konstantin Makarychev, Yury Makary...
118views more  DISOPT 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Improved bounds for vehicle routing solutions
We present lower bounds for the vehicle routing problem (VRP) with and without split deliveries, improving the well known bound of Haimovich and Rinnooy Kan. These bounds are then...
Agustín Bompadre, Moshe Dror, James B. Orli...
88views more  DAM 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Domination analysis for minimum multiprocessor scheduling
Let P be a combinatorial optimization problem, and let A be an approximation algorithm for P. The domination ratio domr(A, s) is the maximal real q such that the solution x(I) obt...
Gregory Gutin, Tommy R. Jensen, Anders Yeo
161views more  ALGORITHMICA 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
The Expected Size of the Rule k Dominating Set
Dai, Li, and Wu proposed Rule k, a localized approximation algorithm that attempts to find a small connected dominating set in a graph. In this paper we consider the "average...
Jennie C. Hansen, Eric Schmutz, Li Sheng
112views more  DAM 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
New results on optimizing rooted triplets consistency
Abstract. A set of phylogenetic trees with overlapping leaf sets is consistent if it can be merged without conflicts into a supertree. In this paper, we study the polynomial-time a...
Jaroslaw Byrka, Sylvain Guillemot, Jesper Jansson
14 years 3 months ago
A Fast 5/2-Approximation Algorithm for Hierarchical Scheduling
We present in this article a new approximation algorithm for scheduling a set of n independent rigid (meaning requiring a fixed number of processors) jobs on hierarchical parallel ...
Marin Bougeret, Pierre-François Dutot, Klau...