
81views more  JPDC 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Improved scheduling in rings
We study the problem of scheduling unit size jobs on n processors connected by a ring. We show a distributed algorithm for this problem with an approximation ratio of 3 2 + √ 2....
Dekel Tsur
168views more  JCB 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Fast Molecular Shape Matching Using Contact Maps
In this paper, we study the problem of computing the similarity of two protein structures ring their contact-map overlap. Contact-map overlap abstracts the problem of computing th...
Pankaj K. Agarwal, Nabil H. Mustafa, Yusu Wang
167views Education» more  CORR 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Approximation Algorithms for Orienteering with Time Windows
Orienteering is the following optimization problem: given an edge-weighted graph (directed or undirected), two nodes s, t and a time limit T, find an s-t walk of total length at ...
Chandra Chekuri, Nitish Korula
101views more  IPL 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
An efficient approximation for the Generalized Assignment Problem
We present a simple family of algorithms for solving the Generalized Assignment Problem (GAP). Our technique is based on a novel combinatorial translation of any algorithm for the...
Reuven Cohen, Liran Katzir, Danny Raz
151views more  IPL 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Approximating weighted matchings in parallel
We present an NC approximation algorithm for the weighted matching problem in graphs with an approximation ratio of (1 - ). This improves the previously best approximation ratio of...
Stefan Hougardy, Doratha E. Drake Vinkemeier
111views more  IPL 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Adding cardinality constraints to integer programs with applications to maximum satisfiability
Max-SAT-CC is the following optimization problem: Given a formula in CNF and a bound k, find an assignment with at most k variables being set to true that maximizes the number of ...
Markus Bläser, Thomas Heynen, Bodo Manthey
88views more  DM 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Packing triangles in low degree graphs and indifference graphs
We consider the problems of finding the maximum number of vertex-disjoint triangles (VTP) and edge-disjoint triangles (ETP) in a simple graph. Both problems are NP-hard. The algor...
Gordana Manic, Yoshiko Wakabayashi
115views Education» more  CORR 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Approximating Multi-Criteria Max-TSP
Abstract. We present randomized approximation algorithms for multicriteria Max-TSP. For Max-STSP with k > 1 objective functions, we obtain an approximation ratio of 1 k - for a...
Markus Bläser, Bodo Manthey, Oliver Putz
14 years 4 months ago
On the limits of dictatorial classification
In the strategyproof classification setting, a set of labeled examples is partitioned among multiple agents. Given the reported labels, an optimal classification mechanism returns...
Reshef Meir, Ariel D. Procaccia, Jeffrey S. Rosens...
96views Algorithms» more  SODA 2000»
14 years 4 months ago
Improved Steiner tree approximation in graphs
The Steiner tree problem in weighted graphs seeks a minimum weight connected subgraph containing a given subset of the vertices terminals. We present a new polynomial-time heurist...
Gabriel Robins, Alexander Zelikovsky