
90views more  JCT 2011»
13 years 7 months ago
Small subgraphs in random graphs and the power of multiple choices
The standard paradigm for online power of two choices problems in random graphs is the Achlioptas process. Here we consider the following natural generalization: Starting with G0 a...
Torsten Mütze, Reto Spöhel, Henning Thom...
115views more  IPL 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
Hardness and approximation of minimum distortion embeddings
We show that the problem of computing a minimum distortion embedding of a given graph into a path remains NP-hard when the input graph is restricted to a bipartite, cobipartite, o...
Pinar Heggernes, Daniel Meister
107views more  COMBINATORICS 2006»
14 years 20 days ago
On the Symmetry of the Distribution of k-Crossings and k-Nestings in Graphs
This note contains two results on the distribution of k-crossings and k-nestings in graphs. On the positive side, we exhibit a class of graphs for which there are as many k-noncro...
Anna de Mier