
14 years 21 days ago
Constraint-based Approach to Discovery of Inter Module Dependencies in Modular Bayesian Networks
This paper introduces an information theoretic approach to verification of modular causal probabilistic models. We assume systems which are gradually extended by adding new functi...
Patrick de Oude, Gregor Pavlin
14 years 21 days ago
Special Track on Data Mining
William Eberle, David Bisant
14 years 21 days ago
A Comparative Study of Variable Elimination and Arc Reversal in Bayesian Network Inference
We compare two approaches to Bayesian network inference, called variable elimination (VE) and arc reversal (AR). It is established that VE never requires more space than AR, and n...
Cory J. Butz, Junying Chen, Ken Konkel, Pawan Ling...
14 years 21 days ago
Measuring Hint Level in Open Cloze Questions
Providing the first few letters of a missing word in a sentence gives information about this word. This paper attempts to measure the information transmitted in that case. In orde...
Juan Pino, Maxine Eskenazi
14 years 21 days ago
Memory Based Goal Schema Recognition
We propose a memory-based approach to the problem of goal-schema recognition. We use a generic episodic memory module to perform incremental goal schema recognition and to build t...
Dan Tecuci, Bruce W. Porter
14 years 21 days ago
CombiTagger: A System for Developing Combined Taggers
The main task of part-of-speech (PoS) tagging is to assign the appropriate morphosyntactic category to each word in a sentence. A combination of different PoS taggers usually resu...
Verena Henrich, Timo Reuter, Hrafn Loftsson
14 years 21 days ago
Hierarchical Soft Clustering and Automatic Text Summarization for Accessing the Web on Mobile Devices for Visually Impaired Peop
In this paper, we propose a universal solution to web search and web browsing on handheld devices for visually impaired people. For this purpose, we propose (1) to automatically c...
Gaël Dias, Sebastião Pais, Fernando Cu...
14 years 21 days ago
Unit Testing for Qualitative Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
Researchers in commonsense, qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning (QSTR) provide flexible and intuitive methods for reasoning about vague and uncertain information including ...
Carl P. L. Schultz, Robert Amor, Hans W. Guesgen
14 years 21 days ago
Training to a Neural Net's Inherent Bias
A neural net with multiple output nodes is capable of distinguishing among a set of related input classes even in the absence of training. It can do so with an accuracy that is ma...
Steven Gutstein, Olac Fuentes, Eric Freudenthal
14 years 21 days ago
Are Ontologies Involved in Natural Language Processing?
For certain disable persons unable to communicate, we present a palliative aid which consist of a virtual pictographic keyboard associated to a text processing from a pictographic...
Maryvonne Abraham