Abstract. Model update is an approach to enhance model checking functions by providing computer aided modifications in system development [2, 9]. It has been observed that one majo...
It has been shown recently that deterministic conformant planning problems can be translated into classical problems that can be solved by off-the-shelf classical planners. In this...
Controller synthesis consists in automatically building controllers taking as inputs observation data and returning outputs guaranteeing that the controlled system satisfies some d...
Abstract. This paper puts forward a view on conditional commitments as causal rules, using action language K as the specification framework. The proposal builds upon an operational...
Juan Manuel Serrano, Sergio Saugar, Rosario Lauren...
In this paper, we analyse how traders select marketplaces and bid in a setting with multiple competing marketplaces. Specifically, we use a fictitious play algorithm to analyse the...
Bing Shi, Enrico H. Gerding, Perukrishnen Vyteling...
Logic programs under the stable models semantics, or answer-set programs, provide an expressive rule based knowledge representation framework, featuring formal, declarative and wel...
Conditional logics capture default entailment in a modal framework in which non-monotonic implication is a first-class citizen, and in particular can be negated and nested. There i...
Abstract. Belief merging is often described as the process of defining a base which best represents the beliefs of a group of agents (a profile of belief bases). The resulting base...
Abstract. We address the problem of continuous stochastic optimal control in the presence of hard obstacles. Due to the non-smooth character of the obstacles, the traditional appro...