
13 years 11 months ago
TALPS: The T-AVB Automated Load Planning System
Due to military drawdowns and the need for additional transportation lift requirements, the US MARINE CORPS developed a concept wherein they had modified a commercial container sh...
Paul S. Cerkez
13 years 11 months ago
Scaling Up Context-Sensitive Text Correction
The main challenge in an effort to build a realistic system with context-sensitive inference capabilities, beyond accuracy, is scalability. This paper studies this problem in the ...
Andrew J. Carlson, Jeffrey Rosen, Dan Roth
13 years 11 months ago
CARMA: A Case-Based Range Management Advisor
: CARMA is an advisory system for rangeland grasshopper infestations that demonstrates how AI technology can deliver expert advice to compensate for cutbacks in public services. CA...
Karl Branting, John D. Hastings, Jeffrey A. Lockwo...
13 years 11 months ago
Image-Feature Extraction for Protein Crystallization: Integrating Image Analysis and Case-Based Reasoning
This paper describes issues related to integrating image analysis techniques into case-based reasoning. Although the approach is generic, a high-throughput protein crystallization...
Igor Jurisica, Phil Rogers, Janice I. Glasgow, Suz...
13 years 11 months ago
An Open Architecture for Multi-Domain Information Extraction
This paper presents a multi-domain information extraction system. The overall architecture of the system is detailed. A set of machine learning tools helps the expert to explore t...
Thierry Poibeau
13 years 11 months ago
Improving Knowledge-Based System Performance by Reordering Rule Sequences
In this paper, we argue that KBS validation should not be limited to testing functional properties of the system, such as its input - output behavior, but must also address its dy...
Neli Zlatareva
13 years 11 months ago
A General Approach to Uncertainty Representation Using Fuzzy Measures
Weintroducethe fuzzymeasureas a unifyingstructure for modelingknowledgeabout an uncertain variable. Weshowthat a large class of well establishedtypes of uncertainty representation...
Ronald R. Yager
13 years 11 months ago
Graphical Analysis of Value of Information in Decision Models
Wereviewand extendthe qualitative relationships about the informational relevanceof variables in graphical decision modelsbased on conditional independenciesrevealedthroughgraphic...
Songsong Xu, Kim-Leng Poh, Eric Horvitz
13 years 11 months ago
The History of the Mobot Museum Robot Series: An Evolutionary Study
: This paper describes a long-terra project to install socially interactive, autonomousmobile robots in public spaces. We have deployed four robots over the last three years, accum...
Thomas Willeke, Clayton Kunz, Illah R. Nourbakhsh