
13 years 11 months ago
A Lattice-Based Approach to Hierarchical Clustering
The paper presents an approach to hierarchical clustering based on the use of a least general generalization (lgg) operator to induce a lattice structure of clusters and a categor...
Zdravko Markov
13 years 11 months ago
Software Test Data Generation using Ant Colony Optimization
State-based testing is frequently used in software testing. Test data generation is one of the key issues in software testing. A properly generated test suite may not only locate t...
Huaizhong Li, Chiou Peng Lam
13 years 11 months ago
Neural Networks in Forecasting Electrical Energy Consumption
Thispaperpresentsan artificial neuralnetwork(ANN)approach to electric energyconsumption(EEC)forecasting. In order providethe forecastedenergyconsumption,the ANNinterpolates betwee...
George E. Nasr, E. A. Badr, M. R. Younes
13 years 11 months ago
AudioMine: Medical Data Mining in Heterogeneous Audiology Records
We report on the results of a pilot study in which a data-mining tool was developed for mining audiology records. The records were heterogeneous in that they contained numeric, cat...
Shaun Cox, Michael P. Oakes, Stefan Wermter, Mauri...
13 years 11 months ago
User-Agent Interactions in Mixed-Initiative Learning
Mixed-initiative learning integrates complementary human and automated reasoning, taking advantage of their respective reasoning styles and computational strengths in order to sol...
Dorin Marcu, Mihai Boicu, Gheorghe Tecuci
13 years 11 months ago
A System to Adapt Techniques of Text Summarizing to Polish
This paper describes a system, in which various methods of text summarizing can be adapted to Polish. A structure of the system is presented. A modular construction of the system a...
Marcin Ciura, Damian Grund, Slawomir Kulikó...
13 years 11 months ago
Structural Web Search Using a Graph-Based Discovery System
Nitish Manocha, Diane J. Cook, Lawrence B. Holder
13 years 11 months ago
An Intelligent Interface for Keyboard and Mouse Control -- Providing Full Access to PC Functionality via Speech
SUITEKeys is a speech user interface for motor-disabled computer users. This interface provides access to all available functionality of a computer by modeling interaction at the ...
Bill Z. Manaris, Renée A. McCauley, Valanne...
13 years 11 months ago
Continuous Text Translation Using Text Modeling in the Thetos System
In the paper a method of modeling text for Polish is discussed. The method is aimed at transforming continuous input text into a text consisting of sentences in so called canonical...
Nina Suszczanska, Przemyslaw Szmal, Slawomir Kulik...
13 years 11 months ago
Nonbinary Constraint Satisfaction: From the Dual to the Primal
Nonbinaryconstraints haverecently beenstudiedquite extensivelysincethey representreal life problemsverynaturally. Specifically,extensionsto binaryarc consistencyinto generalised a...
Sivakumar Nagarajan, Scott D. Goodwin, Abdul Satta...