Agents for Alignment into strategy Experience (ALEX agents), a type of recommender agent (RA), are proposed here as a means of helping employees to perform tasks in line with the ...
From a multiagent viewpoint, a workflow is a dynamic set of tasks performed by a set of agents to reach a shared goal. We show herein that commitments among agents can be used to ...
Traffic authorities work hard to improve resource utilization in traffic. But these efforts do not consider that the valuations of waiting time can be different for each driver, e...
In multiagent planning, it is often convenient to view a problem as two subproblems: agent local planning and coordination. Thus, we can classify agent activities into two categor...
In this paper, we present a framework for evaluating the security of trust and reputation systems for electronic marketplaces populated with buying and selling agents. Our propose...
In this paper we propose a methodology for the construction of 3D electronic institutions. 3D electronic institutions are normative environments where software and human agents ca...
Anton Bogdanovych, Marc Esteva, Simeon J. Simoff, ...
The vision of ubiquitous computing is one in which resource constrained mobile devices form ad-hoc networks to enable the delivery of services that are sensitive and responsive to...
Conor Muldoon, Gregory M. P. O'Hare, John F. Bradl...
While argumentation-based negotiation has been accepted as a promising alternative to game-theoretic or heuristic based negotiation, no evidence has been provided to confirm this ...
Philippe Pasquier, Ramon Hollands, Frank Dignum, I...
This paper analyzes sequential auctions for private value objects using second-price sealed-bid rules. Now, the equilibrium bids for such auctions depend on the information uncerta...
S. Shaheen Fatima, Michael Wooldridge, Nicholas R....
Abstract. Real market institutions, stock and commodity exchanges for example, do not occur in isolation. Company stock is frequently listed on several stock exchanges, allowing tr...
Jinzhong Niu, Kai Cai, Simon Parsons, Elizabeth Sk...