There has been a significant increase in interest and participation in social networking websites recently. For many users, social networks are indispensable tools for sharing pe...
d Abstract) Dan Erusalimchik1 , Gal A. Kaminka1 , Shai Shlomai2 , Dov Miron1 , and Sarit Kraus2 The 1 MAVERICK Group and the 2 Multi-Agent Systems Group Computer Science Department...
Dan Erusalimchik, Gal A. Kaminka, Shai Shlomai, Do...
This paper presents the Dsml4mas Development Environment (DDE) which is a model-driven framework for the development of multiagent systems based on the Domain Specific Modeling L...
Reasoning about others, as performed by agents in order to coordinate their behaviours with those of others, commonly involves forming and updating beliefs about hidden system pro...