
98views more  JOCN 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Visual Anticipatory Information Modulates Multisensory Interactions of Artificial Audiovisual Stimuli
■ The neural activity of speech sound processing (the N1 component of the auditory ERP) can be suppressed if a speech sound is accompanied by concordant lip movements. Here we d...
Jean Vroomen, Jeroen J. Stekelenburg
14 years 3 months ago
Canonical processes in active reading and hypervideo production
Active reading of audiovisual documents is an iterative activity, dedicated to the analysis of the audiovisual source through its enrichment with structured metadata and the defin...
Olivier Aubert, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Yannick Pr...
14 years 4 months ago
Watch, Press, and Catch - Impact of Divided Attention on Requirements of Audiovisual Quality
Many of today’s audiovisual application systems offer some kind of interactivity. Yet, quality assessments of these systems are often performed without taking into account the po...
Ulrich Reiter, Satu Jumisko-Pyykkö
182views Image Analysis» more  CIVR 2008»
14 years 4 months ago
Fusion of audio and visual cues for laughter detection
Past research on automatic laughter detection has focused mainly on audio-based detection. Here we present an audiovisual approach to distinguishing laughter from speech and we sh...
Stavros Petridis, Maja Pantic