
95views more  MLQ 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Invariant Logics
A modal logic is called invariant if for all automorphisms of NExt K, () = . An invariant logic is therefore uniquely determined by its surrounding in the lattice. It will be est...
Marcus Kracht
59views more  IJAC 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Automorphic Equivalence Problem for Free Associative Algebras of Rank Two
Let K x, y be the free associative algebra of rank 2 over an algebraically closed constructive field of any characteristic. We present an algorithm which decides whether or not tw...
Vesselin Drensky, Jie-Tai Yu
71views more  JCT 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Primitive decompositions of Johnson graphs
A transitive decomposition of a graph is a partition of the edge set together with a group of automorphisms which transitively permutes the parts. In this paper we determine all t...
Alice Devillers, Michael Giudici, Cai Heng Li, Che...
74views more  ARSCOM 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Some New Steiner 2-Designs S(2, 4, 37)
Automorphisms of Steiner 2-designs S(2, 4, 37) are studied and used to find many new examples. Some of the constructed designs have S(2, 3, 9) subdesigns, closing the last gap in t...
Vedran Krcadinac