Creole is a new born language emerging in most cases where language contact takes place. Simulating behaviors that creole communities are formed in some environments, we could cont...
This tutorial will present an overview of the use of Monadic Second-Order Logic to describe sets of finite graphs and graph transformations, in relation with the notions of tree-w...
We consider a restricted variant of the hairpin completion called bounded hairpin completion. The hairpin completion is a formal operation inspired from biochemistry. Applied to a ...
Introducing priorities on rules in rewriting increases their expressive power and helps to limit computations. Priority rewriting is used in rule-based programming as well as in f...
Abstract. In this paper we prove the following result. Let s be an infinite word on a finite alphabet, and N ≥ 0 be an integer. Suppose that all left special factors of s longe...
This paper proposes an alternative approach to the standard notion of rational (or regular) expression for tree languages. The main difference is that in the new notion we have on...