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Barrier coverage is a critical issue in wireless sensor networks for various battlefield and homeland security applications. The goal is to effectively detect intruders that attem...
Abstract--Deploying wireless sensor networks to provide guaranteed barrier coverage is critical for many sensor networks applications such as intrusion detection and border surveil...
Constructing sensing barriers using wireless sensor networks has important applications in military operations and homeland security. The goal of forming a sensing barrier is to de...
A set of sensors establishes barrier coverage of a given line segment if every point of the segment is within the sensing range of a sensor. Given a line segment I, n mobile sensor...
Jurek Czyzowicz, Evangelos Kranakis, Danny Krizanc...
We consider n mobile sensors located on a line containing a barrier represented by a finite line segment. Sensors form a wireless sensor network and are able to move within the lin...
Jurek Czyzowicz, Evangelos Kranakis, Danny Krizanc...
In old times, castles were surrounded by moats (deep trenches filled with water, and even alligators) to thwart or discourage intrusion attempts. One can now replace such barrier...
Abstract— In this paper, we formalize the problem of barrier coverage, that is, the problem of preventing undetected intrusion in a particular region using robot sensors. We solv...
Barrier coverage in a sensor network has the goal of ensuring that all paths through the surveillance domain joining points in some start region S to some target region T will inte...
— Barrier coverage of wireless sensor networks has been studied intensively in recent years under the assumption that sensors are deployed uniformly at random in a large area (Po...
Abstract—The barrier coverage model was proposed for applications in which sensors are deployed for intrusion detection. In this paper, we study a strong barrier coverage problem...