Visual representations are widely used to describe modern-day software systems, but, in most cases, they lack rigour. This paper addresses the problems of formality, rigour and co...
Behavioural models offer the ability to simulate autonomous agents like organisms and living beings. Psychological studies have showed that the human behaviour can be described by...
: Behavioural specifications allow to focus only on the"observable" behaviour of objects. These observations are made through "observable contexts" which are pa...
Abstract: Reuse of software entities such as components or Web services raise composition issues since, most of the time, they present mismatches in their interfaces. These mismatc...
Abstract Subtyping relations for object-oriented formalisms describe relationships between super- and subclasses which satisfy the substitutability requirement imposed on types and...
Continuous change of user requirements has become a constant for geo-information systems. Designing systems that can adapt to such changes requires an appropriate ethodology that ...
Functional prototypes and simulations are a well recognised and valued tool for building a shared understanding of requirements between users and developers. However, the developm...