
107views more  IPL 2002»
14 years 2 months ago
Binary space partitions for axis-parallel line segments: Size-height tradeoffs
We present worst-case lower bounds on the minimum size of a binary space partition (BSP) tree as a function of its height, for a set S of n axis-parallel line segments in the plan...
Sunil Arya
85views more  SIAMCOMP 2000»
14 years 2 months ago
Binary Space Partitions for Fat Rectangles
We consider the practical problem of constructing binary space partitions (BSPs) for a set S of n orthogonal, nonintersecting, two-dimensional rectangles in R3 such that the aspect...
Pankaj K. Agarwal, Edward F. Grove, T. M. Murali, ...
14 years 4 months ago
Linear Binary Space Partitions and the Hierarchy of Object Classes
We consider the problem of constructing binary space partitions for the set P of d-dimensional objects in d-dimensional space. There are several classes of objects defined for su...
Petr Tobola, Karel Nechvíle
14 years 8 months ago
Binary space partitions of orthogonal subdivisions
We consider the problem of constructing binary space partitions (BSPs) for orthogonal subdivisions (space filling packings of boxes) in d-space. We show that a subdivision with n...
John Hershberger, Subhash Suri, Csaba D. Tó...