
13 years 10 months ago
Synthesis of Pharmacokinetic Pathways through Knowledge Acquisition and Automated Reasoning
teness of the knowledge bases, our approach also obtains facts through automated extraction from Medline abstracts. An essential component of our approach is to apply logical reaso...
Luis Tari, Saadat Anwar, Shanshan Liang, Jörg...
158views more  BIB 2007»
14 years 1 days ago
Biodiversity informatics: organizing and linking information across the spectrum of life
Biological knowledge can be inferred from three major levels of information: molecules, organisms and ecologies. Bioinformatics is an established field that has made significant a...
Indra Neil Sarkar
131views more  BMCBI 2004»
14 years 9 days ago
Alternative mapping of probes to genes for Affymetrix chips
Background: Short oligonucleotide arrays have several probes measuring the expression level of each target transcript. Therefore the selection of probes is a key component for the...
Laurent Gautier, Morten Møller, Lennart Fri...
138views more  BMCBI 2008»
14 years 17 days ago
M-BISON: Microarray-based integration of data sources using networks
Background: The accurate detection of differentially expressed (DE) genes has become a central task in microarray analysis. Unfortunately, the noise level and experimental variabi...
Bernie J. Daigle Jr., Russ B. Altman
170views more  BMCBI 2010»
14 years 17 days ago
Analysis of lifestyle and metabolic predictors of visceral obesity with Bayesian Networks
Background: The aim of this study was to provide a framework for the analysis of visceral obesity and its determinants in women, where complex inter-relationships are observed amo...
Alex Aussem, André Tchernof, Sergio Rodrigu...
130views more  BMCBI 2010»
14 years 17 days ago
Knowledge-guided gene ranking by coordinative component analysis
Background: In cancer, gene networks and pathways often exhibit dynamic behavior, particularly during the process of carcinogenesis. Thus, it is important to prioritize those gene...
Chen Wang, Jianhua Xuan, Huai Li, Yue Wang, Ming Z...
135views more  BMCBI 2010»
14 years 17 days ago
Lists2Networks: Integrated analysis of gene/protein lists
Background: Systems biologists are faced with the difficultly of analyzing results from large-scale studies that profile the activity of many genes, RNAs and proteins, applied in ...
Alexander Lachmann, Avi Ma'ayan
187views Database» more  ER 2007»
14 years 6 months ago
Metamodeling Integration Architecture for Open Biomedical Ontologies: The GO Extensions' Case Study
New technologies used in biology are generating huge quantities of data; up to two petabytes of overall data are to be expected by the end of the decade. Modern biology also has t...
Marie-Noëlle Terrasse, Marinette Savonnet, Er...