It has been conjectured that in a braid group, or more generally in a Garside group, applying any sequence of monotone equivalences and word reversings can increase the length of a...
Abstract. Artin's braid groups currently provide a promising background for cryptographical applications, since the first cryptosystems using braids were introduced in [2, 3, ...
We describe the most efficient solutions to the word problem of Artin's braid group known so far, i.e., in other words, the most efficient solutions to the braid isotopy probl...
We implement various computations in the braid groups via practically efficient and theoretically optimized algorithms whose pseudo-codes are provided. The performance of an actual...
Recently the braid groups were introduced as a new source for cryptography. The group operations are performed efficiently and the features are quite different from those of other...
Abstract. Braid cryptosystem was proposed in CRYPTO 2000 as an alternate public-key cryptosystem. The security of this system is based upon the conjugacy problem in braid groups. S...