: Persistenzframeworks sind komplexe Softwarelösungen für die Speicherung und das Auffinden von Objekten in relationalen Datenbanken. Immer wichtiger für die Weiterentwicklung s...
: In recent years, Operational Business Intelligence has emerged as an important trend in the Business Intelligence (BI) market. While sharing some obvious features with “traditi...
: Datenstrommanagementsysteme, die effizient und skalierbar viele Anfragen gleichzeitig auf kontinuierlichen Daten auswerten k¨onnen, sind eine vielversprechende Technologie f¨u...
Jonas Jacobi, Andre Bolles, Marco Grawunder, Danie...
: Cost-based optimizers in relational databases make use of data statistics to estimate intermediate result cardinalities. Those cardinalities are needed to estimate access plan co...
: The evaluation of information retrieval systems involves the creation of potential user needs for which systems try to find relevant documents. The difficulty of these topics dif...
Abstract: As the evaluation of XQuery expressions in native XML database management systems is a complex task and offers several degrees of freedom, we propose a visual explanation...
Abstract: Green computing or energy saving when processing information is primarily considered a task of processor development. We, however, advocate that a holistic approach is ne...
: Database schemas are used to describe the logical design of a database. Diverse groups of users have different perspectives on the schema which leads to different local schemas. ...
Abstract: In the last decade, automotive systems changed from traditional mechanical or mechatronical systems towards software intensive systems, because more and more functionalit...
Sandro Schulze, Mario Pukall, Gunter Saake, Tobias...