This system description provides an overview of the MUNCH reasoner for sets and multisets. MUNCH takes as the input a formula in a logic that supports expressions about sets, multi...
Abstract. Automated theorem provers (ATPs) struggle to solve problems with large sets of possibly superfluous axiom. Several algorithms have been developed to reduce the number of ...
It has recently been shown that proofs in which some symbols are colored (e.g. local or split proofs and symbol-eliminating proofs) can be used for a number of applications, such a...
Abstract. In the context of deductive program verification, supporting floatingpoint computations is tricky. We propose an expressive language to formally specify behavioral proper...
Abstract. Focused proof systems provide means for reducing and structuring the non-determinism involved in searching for sequent calculus proofs. We present a focused proof system ...
In order to support the verification of programs, verification tools such as ACL2 or Isabelle try to extract suitable induction axioms from the definitions of terminating, recursiv...
Abstract. Formulas are often monotonic in the sense that if the formula is satisfiable for given domains of discourse, it is also satisfiable for all larger domains. Monotonicity i...
Abstract. We introduce a semantics for classical logic with partial functions. We believe that the semantics is natural. When a formula contains a subterm in which a function is ap...