
208views Education» more  CASCON 1997»
14 years 4 months ago
An architectural approach to building systems from COTS software components
As software systems become increasingly complex to build developers are turning more and more to integrating pre-built components from third party developers into their systems. T...
Mark R. Vigder, John C. Dean
112views Education» more  CASCON 1997»
14 years 4 months ago
An examination of software engineering work practices
This paper presents work practice data of the daily activities of software engineers. Four separate studies are presented; one looking longitudinally at an individual SE; two look...
Janice Singer, Timothy C. Lethbridge, Norman G. Vi...
97views Education» more  CASCON 1997»
14 years 4 months ago
Using shim technology to monitor DCE runtime performance
Obtaining performance data for application or system software is typically di cult, especially when the source code is not available. While popular techniques such as event trappi...
Gregory M. Oster, Richard B. Bunt
74views Education» more  CASCON 1997»
14 years 4 months ago
A high performance get-put interface for ATM communications
This paper describes the implementation of a reliable Get-Put interface written for a distributed memory environment. The asynchronous semantics of the Put as well as the split tr...
Ronald Mraz, Edward Nowicki, Mathew Thoennes
135views Education» more  CASCON 1997»
14 years 4 months ago
Automatic generation of performance models using the distributed management framework (DMF)
The purpose of the Distributed Management Framework (DMF) is to provide a layer of ion at a level convenient for management application developers. Specifically, it liberates the ...
Asham El Rayess, Jerome A. Rolia
131views Education» more  CASCON 1997»
14 years 4 months ago
Agent augmented community-information: the ACORN architecture
The ACORN architecture is a multi-agent based system deployed across networks which provides a means for augmenting community-based systems of communication between people. In the...
Stephen Marsh, Youssef Masrour
98views Education» more  CASCON 1997»
14 years 4 months ago
An approach to software architecture analysis for evolution and reusability
Software evolution and reuse is more likely to receive higher payoff if high-level artifacts—such as architectures and designs—can be reused and can guide low-level component ...
Chung-Horng Lung, Sonia Bot, Kalai Kalaichelvan, R...
85views Education» more  CASCON 1997»
14 years 4 months ago
Fast detection of communication patterns in distributed executions
Understanding distributed applications is a tedious and di cult task. Visualizations based on process-time diagrams are often used to obtain a better understanding of the executio...
Thomas Kunz, Michiel F. H. Seuren
101views Education» more  CASCON 1997»
14 years 4 months ago
A performance engineering tool and method for distributing applications
Marin Litoiu, Hamid Khafagy, Bin Qin, Anita Rass W...
91views Education» more  CASCON 1997»
14 years 4 months ago
Keeping virtual information resources up and running
The maintenanceofmaterializedviews in largescale environments composed of numerous heterogeneous information sources ISs, such as the WWW, has importance for the new breed of in...
Amy J. Lee, Anisoara Nica, Elke A. Rundensteiner