Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is a learning approach that solves current situations by reusing previous solutions that are stored in a case base. In the CBR cycle the reuse step plays...
Existing organisational centred multi-agent systems regulate agents' activities. However, population/environmental changes may lead to a poor fullment of system's goals,...
In case-based reasoning (CBR) a problem is solved by matching the problem description to a previously solved case, using the past solution in solving the new problem. A case-based...
A key problem in case-based reasoning is the representation, organization and maintenance of case libraries. While current approaches rely on heuristic and psychologically inspire...
We propose in this paper a general framework for integrating inductive and case-based reasoning (CBR) techniques for diagnosis tasks. We present a set of practical integrated appro...
Eric Auriol, Michel Manago, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, ...
This paperpresents several industrial applications of MLin the context of their effort to solve the "KAMLproblem", i.e., the problem of merging knowledge acquisition and...
In this paper, we present our case-based browsing advisor for the Web, called BROADWAY. BROADWAY follows a group of users during their navigations and supports an indirect collabor...
This paper presents the CARE-PARTNER system. Functionally, it offers via the WWW knowledge-support assistance to clinicians responsible for the long-term follow-up of stem-cell pos...
Isabelle Bichindaritz, Emin Kansu, Keith M. Sulliv...
Abstract. For the improvement of software quality and productivity, organizations need to systematically build up and reuse software engineering know-how, promoting organizational ...
Intelligent Jurisprudence Research (IJR) is a concept that consists in performing jurisprudence research with a computational tool that employs Artificial Intelligence (AI) techni...