Studying the evolution of long lived processes such as the development history of a software system or the publication history of a research community, requires the analysis of a ...
EarlGray is a component-based Java virtual machine (JVM) that can be configured to satisfy various kinds of requirements for building future information appliances and embedded s...
One of the key goals of open source development is the sharing of knowledge, experience, and solutions that pertain to a software system and its problem domain. Source code clonin...
Raihan Al-Ekram, Cory Kapser, Richard C. Holt, Mic...
Current literature on the topic of duplicated (cloned) code in software systems often considers duplication harmful to the system quality and the reasons commonly cited for duplic...
Software has been and is still mostly refactored without tool support. Moreover, as we found in our case studies, programmers tend not to document these changes as refactorings, o...
In software engineering, measurements can be used to monitor, understand and improve software processes as well as products and resource utilization. Commonly, measurement framewo...
Dierence Bound Matrices (DBMs) are the most commonly used data structure for model checking timed automata. Since long they are being used in successful tools like Kronos or UPPAA...
In this paper, we introduce Static Execute After (SEA) relationship among program components and present an efficient analysis algorithm. Our case studies show that SEA may appro...
In CAiSE 2006, we had presented a framework to support development of secure information systems. The framework was based on the integration of two security-aware approaches, the S...
This appendix contains the details of our case studies out lined in our paper for the 2009 International Conference on Software Maintenance, as well as an expanded discussion se...
Reid Holmes, Rylan Cottrell, Robert J. Walker, J&o...