Designers of SoCs with non-digital components, such as analog or MEMS devices, can currently use high-level system design languages, such as SystemC, to model only the digital par...
Ankush Varma, Muhammad Yaqub Afridi, Akin Akturk, ...
A Java bytecode-to-C ahead-of-time compiler (AOTC) can improve the performance of a Java virtual machine (JVM) by translating bytecode into C code, which is then compiled into mac...
Virtual caches are employed as L1 caches of both high performance and embedded processors to meet their short latency requirements. However, they also introduce the synonym proble...
Dynamic voltage scaling and sleep state control have been shown to be extremely effective in reducing energy consumption in CMOS circuits. Though plenty of research papers have st...
Razvan Racu, Arne Hamann, Rolf Ernst, Bren Mochock...
Multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) is an integrated circuit containing multiple instruction-set processors on a single chip that implements most of the functionality of a compl...
With advances in process technology, soft errors (SE) are becoming an increasingly critical design concern. Due to their large area and high density, caches are worst hit by soft ...
We propose an architecture that uses NAND flash memory to reduce main memory power in web server platforms. Our architecture uses a two level file buffer cache composed of a re...
Microprocessor vendors have provided special-purpose instructions such as psadbw and pdist to accelerate the sumof-absolute differences (SAD) similarity measurement. The usefulne...
Asadollah Shahbahrami, Ben H. H. Juurlink, Stamati...