We present new techniques for fast, accurate and scalable static data race detection in concurrent programs. Focusing our analysis on Linux device drivers allowed us to identify th...
Liveness temporal properties state that something “good” eventually happens, e.g., every request is eventually granted. In Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), there is no a priori bo...
Abstract. TVLA is a parametric framework for shape analysis that can be easily instantiated to create different kinds of analyzers for checking properties of programs that use link...
Igor Bogudlov, Tal Lev-Ami, Thomas W. Reps, Mooly ...
Abstract. We present an extrapolation with care set operator to accelerate termination of reachability computation with polyhedra. At the same time, a counterexample guided refine...
Chao Wang, Zijiang Yang, Aarti Gupta, Franjo Ivanc...
We propose a shape analysis that adapts to some of the complex composite data structures found in industrial systems-level programs. Examples of such data structures include “cyc...
Abstract. A temporal interface for a software component is a finite automaton that specifies the legal sequences of calls to functions that are provided by the component. We comp...
Programs typically make extensive use of libraries, including dynamically linked libraries, which are often not available in source-code form, and hence not analyzable by tools tha...