Abstract. We present a novel static analysis technique that substantially improves the quality of invariants inferred by standard loop invariant generation techniques. Our techniqu...
Rahul Sharma 0001, Isil Dillig, Thomas Dillig, Ale...
We updated our Peggy tool, previously presented in [6], to perform translation validation for the LLVM compiler using a technique called Equality Saturation. We present the tool, a...
Abstract. A fundamental question in the treatment of cardiac disorders, such as tachycardia and fibrillation, is under what circumstances does such a disorder arise? To answer to ...
Abstract. Many automatic testing, analysis, and verification techniques for programs can effectively be reduced to a constraint-generation phase followed by a constraint-solving ...
Vijay Ganesh, Adam Kiezun, Shay Artzi, Philip J. G...
Abstract. Quantified Boolean formulae (QBF) allow compact encoding of many decision problems. Their importance motivated the development of fast QBF solvers. Certifying the result...
Abstract. We describe a tool that applies theorem proving technology to synthesize code fragments that use given library functions. To determine candidate code fragments, our appro...
Abstract. The underground malware-based economy is flourishing and it is evident that the classical ad-hoc signature detection methods are becoming insufficient. Malware authors ...
Abstract. BAP is a publicly available infrastructure for performing program verification and analysis tasks on binary (i.e., executable) code. In this paper, we describe BAP as we...
David Brumley, Ivan Jager, Thanassis Avgerinos, Ed...