
14 years 4 months ago
Data Structures for Reporting Extension Violations in a Query Range
Design Rule Checking (DRC) in VLSI design involves checking if a given VLSI layout satisfies a given set of rules, and reporting the violations if any. We propose data structures ...
Ananda Swarup Das, Prosenjit Gupta, Kannan Srinath...
14 years 4 months ago
Optimal Empty Pseudo-Triangles in a Point Set
Given n points in the plane, we study three optimization problems of computing an empty pseudo-triangle: we consider minimizing the perimeter, maximizing the area, and minimizing ...
Hee-Kap Ahn, Sang Won Bae, Iris Reinbacher
14 years 4 months ago
On the Height of a Homotopy
Given 2 homotopic curves in a topological space, there are several ways to measure similarity between the curves, including Hausdorff distance and Fr
Erin W. Chambers, David Letscher
14 years 4 months ago
Enumeration of Polyominoes for p4 Tiling
Polyominoes are the two dimensional shapes made by connecting n unit squares, joined along their edges. In this paper, we propose algorithms to enumerate polyominoes for p4 tiling...
Takashi Horiyama, Masato Samejima
14 years 4 months ago
Inapproximability of the Perimeter Defense Problem
We model the problem of detecting intruders using a set of infrared beams by the perimeter defense problem: given a polygon P, find a minimum set of edges S of the polygon such th...
Evangelos Kranakis, Danny Krizanc, Lata Narayanan,...
14 years 4 months ago
Open Problems from CCCG 2008
Erik D. Demaine, Joseph O'Rourke
14 years 4 months ago
The Bichromatic Rectangle Problem in High Dimensions
Given a set of blue points and a set of red points in ddimensional space, we show how to find an axis-aligned hyperrectangle that contains no red points and as many blue points as...
Jonathan Backer, J. Mark Keil
14 years 4 months ago
General minisum circle location
-extended abstractMark K
Mark Körner, Jack Brimberg, Henrik Juel, Anit...
14 years 4 months ago
Colored Simultaneous Geometric Embeddings and Universal Pointsets
A set of n points in the plane is a universal pointset for a given class of graphs, if any n-vertex graph in that class can be embedded in the plane so that vertices are mapped to...
Alejandro Estrella-Balderrama, J. Joseph Fowler, S...
14 years 4 months ago
Planar Packing of Diameter-Four Trees
We prove that, for every two n-node non-star trees of diameter at most four, there exists an n-node planar graph containing them as edge-disjoint subgraphs.
Fabrizio Frati