
13 years 10 months ago
Streaming 1-Center with Outliers in High Dimensions
We study the 1-center problem with outliers in highdimensional data streams. The problem definition is as follows: given a sequence of n points in d dimensions (with d arbitrarily...
Hamid Zarrabi-Zadeh, Asish Mukhopadhyay
13 years 10 months ago
On symmetric realizations of the simplicial complex of 3-crossing-free sets of diagonals of the octagon
Motivated by the question of the polytopal realizability of the simplicial complex n,k of (k + 1)-crossing-free sets of diagonals of the convex n-gon, we study the first open case...
Jürgen Bokowski, Vincent Pilaud
13 years 10 months ago
Wireless Localization with Vertex Guards is NP-hard
We consider a special class of art gallery problems inspired by wireless localization. Given a simple polygon P, place and orient guards each of which broadcasts a unique key with...
Tobias Christ, Michael Hoffmann
14 years 1 months ago
Every Large Point Set contains Many Collinear Points or an Empty Pentagon
We prove the following generalised empty pentagon theorem: for every integer 2, every sufficiently large set of points in the plane contains collinear points or an empty pentagon...
Zachary Abel, Brad Ballinger, Prosenjit Bose, S&ea...
14 years 1 months ago
On Directed Graphs with an Upward Straight-line
In this paper we study the problem of computing an upward straight-line embedding of a directed graph G into a point set S, i.e. a planar drawing of G such that each vertex is map...
Carla Binucci, Emilio Di Giacomo, Walter Didimo, A...
14 years 1 months ago
Data Structures for Range Aggregation by Categories
We solve instances of a general class of problems defined as follows: Preprocess a set S of possibly weighted colored geometric objects (e.g. points/orthogonal segments/rectangles...
Saladi Rahul, Prosenjit Gupta, K. S. Rajan
14 years 1 months ago
How to make a picturesque maze
Yoshio Okamoto, Ryuhei Uehara
14 years 1 months ago
New Algorithms for Computing Maximum Perimeter and Maximum Area of the Convex Hull of Imprecise Inputs Based On the Parallel Lin
In this paper, we present new algorithms for computing maximum perimeter and maximum area of the convex hull of imprecise inputs based on the parallel line segment model. The runn...
Wenqi Ju, Jun Luo
14 years 1 months ago
Clarkson's Algorithm for Violator Spaces
Clarkson's algorithm is a two-staged randomized algorithm for solving linear programs, but it can also be applied to the more general LP-type problems which comprise a number...
Yves Brise, Bernd Gärtner
14 years 1 months ago
Rigid Components of Random Graphs
We study the emergence of rigid components in an Erdos-R
Louis Theran