The Scientific Annotation Middleware (SAM) is a set of components and services that enable researchers, applications, problem solving environments (PSE) and software agents to cre...
Knowledge about the workload is an important aspect for scheduling of resources as parallel computers or Grid components. As the scheduling quality highly depends on the character...
ABSTRACT. Objectives. This paper addresses Grid-based integration and access of distributed data from infectious disease patient databases, literature on in-vitro and in-vivo pharm...
Peter M. A. Sloot, Alexander Boukhanovsky, Wilco K...
Running Data Grid applications such as High Energy Nuclear Physics (HENP) and weather modelling experiments involves working with huge data sets possibly of hundreds of Terabytes ...
The development of teaching materials for future software engineers is critical to the long term success of the Grid. At present however there is considerable turmoil in the Grid ...
This paper presents middleware enabling mutual and equal transfer of computing power between individuals, as in the original idea behind P2P, while also supporting large-scale dis...
We propose a mechanism for providing the incentives for reporting truthful feedback in a peer-to-peer system for exchanging services. This mechanism is to complement reputation me...
Grid Computing is becoming more popular. The traditional role of the Internet as being an information repository is evolving to become a resource repository. People using the Inte...
John P. Morrison, Sunil John, David A. Power, Neil...
The scheme of advance reservations in dynamically provisioned optical networks is novel, and there are no gridbased applications designed to utilize this scheme. We formally defi...
Sumit Naiksatam, Silvia M. Figueira, Stephen A. Ch...