
157views more  CCR 2004»
14 years 3 months ago
Designing BGP-based outbound traffic engineering techniques for stub ASes
Today, most multi-connected autonomous systems (AS) need to control the flow of their interdomain traffic for both performance and economical reasons. This is usually done by manu...
Steve Uhlig, Olivier Bonaventure
119views more  CCR 2004»
14 years 3 months ago
Collecting the internet AS-level topology
At the inter-domain level, the Internet topology can be represented by a graph with Autonomous Systems (ASes) as nodes and AS peerings as links. This AS-level topology graph has b...
Beichuan Zhang, Raymond A. Liu, Daniel Massey, Lix...
116views more  CCR 2004»
14 years 3 months ago
End-to-end congestion control for TCP-friendly flows with variable packet size
Current TCP-friendly congestion control mechanisms adjust the packet rate in order to adapt to network conditions and obtain a throughput not exceeding that of a TCP connection op...
Jörg Widmer, Catherine Boutremans, Jean-Yves ...
101views more  CCR 2004»
14 years 3 months ago
Sophia: an Information Plane for networked systems
Mike Wawrzoniak, Larry L. Peterson, Timothy Roscoe
62views more  CCR 2004»
14 years 3 months ago
Summary-based routing for content-based event distribution networks
Providing scalable distributed Web-based eventing services has been an important research topic. It is desirable to have an effective mechanism for the servers to summarize their f...
Yi-Min Wang, Lili Qiu, Chad Verbowski, Dimitris Ac...
105views more  CCR 2004»
14 years 3 months ago
The measurement manifesto
Useful measurement data is badly needed to help monitor and control large networks. Current approaches to solving measurement problems often assume minimal support from routers and...
George Varghese, Cristian Estan
87views more  CCR 2004»
14 years 3 months ago
Non-stationarity and high-order scaling in TCP flow arrivals: a methodological analysis
The last decade has been a very fruitful period in important discoveries in network traffic modeling, uncovering various scaling behaviors. Self-similarity, long-range dependence,...
Steve Uhlig
79views more  CCR 2004»
14 years 3 months ago
Reverse engineering the Internet
To provide insight into Internet operation and performance, recent efforts have measured various aspects of the Internet, developing and improving measurement tools in the process....
Neil T. Spring, David Wetherall, Thomas E. Anderso...
106views more  CCR 2004»
14 years 3 months ago
Decoupling policy from mechanism in Internet routing
Routing is a black art in today's Internet. End users and ISPs alike have little control over how their packets are handled outside of their networks, stemming in part from l...
Alex C. Snoeren, Barath Raghavan