hfulness of Abstract Protocol Analysis: Message Authentication∗ Joshua D. Guttman F. Javier Thayer Lenore D. Zuck December 18, 2002 Dolev and Yao initiated an approach to studyi...
Joshua D. Guttman, F. Javier Thayer, Lenore D. Zuc...
Many encryption systems require the user to memorize high entropy passwords or passphrases and reproduce them exactly. This is often a difficult task. We propose a more fault-tole...
XML is increasingly becoming the format of choice for information exchange on the Internet. As this trend grows, one can expect that documents (or collections thereof) may get qui...
Premkumar T. Devanbu, Michael Gertz, April Kwong, ...
Abstract. We describe a weakness in the High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) scheme which may lead to practical attacks. HDCP is a proposed identity-based cryptosystem ...
Scott Crosby, Ian Goldberg, Robert Johnson, Dawn X...
The events of a security protocol and their causal dependency can play an important role in the analysis of security properties. This insight underlies both strand spaces and the ...
Abstract. Protection of software code against illegitimate modifications by its users is a pressing issue to many software developers. Many software-based mechanisms for protectin...
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed database that allows convenient storing and retrieving of resource records. DNS has been extended to provide security services (DNSSE...
This paper will examine and categorize potential business model scenarios for online music. The virtualization of music leads to market uncertainties. On the supply side, the offer...