— This paper presents the optimal joint filtering and parameter identification problem for uncertain linear stochastic systems with unknown parameters in both state and observa...
Michael V. Basin, Alexander G. Loukianov, Miguel H...
— A receding horizon control algorithm, originally proposed for tracking best-possible steady-states in the presence of overly stringent state and/or input constraints, is analyz...
— We present our recent results on the method of controlled Lagrangians in order to stabilize mechanical systems by shaping both energy and external forces. Various easily veri...
—In kernel based regression techniques (such as Support Vector Machines or Least Squares Support Vector Machines) it is hard to analyze the influence of perturbed inputs on the ...
—A new type of global stability is introduced and its equivalent Lyapunov characterization is presented. The problem of global stability of the compact set composed by all invari...
Abstract— This paper addresses a problem of finding an optimal dynamic quantizer for nonlinear control subject to discretevalued signal constraints. The quantizers to be studied...
— This paper presents a novel swarm approximate dynamic programming method (swarm-ADP) for parameter optimization of PSO systems, from the perspective of optimal control. Based o...
— Two stage turbochargers have been developed recently for Diesel engines in order to improve their performances in terms of power, consumption, emissions and dynamic behavior (s...
Philippe Moulin, Olivier Grondin, Laurent Fontviei...
Abstract— A design method is proposed for outputfeedback control of linear systems subject to state and control constraints, additive disturbances and measurement noise. First, n...