Timing diagrams are useful for capturing temporal specifications in which all mentioned events are required to occur. We first show that translating timing diagrams with both par...
Abstract. We define and study a quantitative generalization of the traditional boolean framework of model-based specification and verification. In our setting, propositions have...
In this paper, we explore a parallelization of BMC based on state space partitioning. The parallelization is accomplished by executing multiple instances of BMC independently from ...
Subramanian K. Iyer, Jawahar Jain, Mukul R. Prasad...
The application of model-checking tools to complex systems involves a nontrivial step of modelling the system by a finite-state model and a translation of the desired properties i...
Partial order (PO) reduction methods are widely employed to combat state explosion during model-checking. In this paper, we develop a partial order reduction algorithm for rule-bas...
Ritwik Bhattacharya, Steven M. German, Ganesh Gopa...
Abstraction is the key for effectively dealing with the state explosion in model-checking. Unfortunately, finding abstractions which are small and yet enable us to get conclusive ...
Today, verification is becoming the dominating factor for successful circuit designs. In this context formal verification techniques allow to prove the correctness of a circuit ...
Abstract. Model checking is a formal technique for automatically verifying that a finite-state model satisfies a temporal property. In model checking, generally Binary Decision D...
Nina Amla, Xiaoqun Du, Andreas Kuehlmann, Robert P...