
140views Communications» more  CIC 2003»
14 years 4 months ago
Magic Square: Scalable Peer-to-Peer Lookup Protocol Considering Peer's Characteristics
One of the research problems in P2P computing is to look up and store the resource efficiently. The recent algorithms developed by several research groups for the lookup problem p...
Sun-Mi Park, Il-dong Jung, Dong-joo Song, Young-su...
128views Communications» more  CIC 2003»
14 years 4 months ago
Communications in Electronic Textile Systems
- Electronic textiles (e-textiles) are emerging as a novel method for constructing electronic systems in wearable and large area applications. This new type of processing system me...
Zahi Nakad, Mark T. Jones, Thomas Martin
150views Communications» more  CIC 2003»
14 years 4 months ago
Performance Modeling of a Cluster of Workstations
Using off-the-shelf commodity workstations to build a cluster for parallel computing has become a common practice. In studying or designing a cluster of workstations one should ha...
Ahmed M. Mohamed, Lester Lipsky, Reda A. Ammar