Term selection process is a very necessary component for most natural language processing tasks. Although different unsupervised techniques have been proposed, the best results ar...
Distributions of the senses of words are often highly skewed. This fact is exploited by word sense disambiguation (WSD) systems which back off to the predominant (most frequent) s...
Abstract. Spanglish is the simultaneous use, or alternating of both, traditional Spanish and English within the same conversational event. This interlanguage is commonly used in U....
The present paper describes how dependency analysis can be used to automatically extract from a corpus a set of cases - and an accompanying vocabulary - which enable a template-bas...
Abstract. Classification in genres and domains is a major field of research for Information Retrieval (scientific and technical watch, datamining, etc.) and the selection of app...
Abstract. This paper discusses an approach to topic-oriented multidocument summarization. It investigates the effectiveness of using additional information about the document set ...
One major problem of state-of-the-art Cross Language Question Answering systems is the translation of user questions. This paper proposes combining the potential of multiple transl...
The need of having a Passage Retrieval (PR) system for Arabic texts is due essentially to our aim to build an Arabic Question Answering (QA) system in our research team. We have ch...
Abstract. The task of Named Entity Recognition (NER) allows to identify proper names as well as temporal and numeric expressions, in an open-domain text. NER systems proved to be v...