Abstract. Intuitively, a recursion theorem asserts the existence of selfreferential programs. Two well-known recursion theorems are Kleene’s Recursion Theorem (krt) and Rogers’...
Abstract. Let Fq be a finite field with q elements. We produce an (effective) elimination of quantifiers for the structure of the set of polynomials, Fq[t], of one variable, in...
computability uses ordinals instead of natural numbers in abstract machines like register or Turing machines. We give an overview of the computational strengths of α-β-machines,...
We introduce the notions of a complete set of computably infinitary Π0 n relations on a structure, of the jump of a structure, and of admitting nth jump inversion.
This paper studies the Turing degrees of various properties defined for universal numberings, that is, for numberings which list all partial-recursive functions. In particular pro...
Abstract. If L is a finite relational language then all computable Lstructures can be effectively enumerated in a sequence {An}n∈ω in such a way that for every computable L-st...
Abstract. Computational biomodelers adopt either of the following approaches: build rich, as complete as possible models in an effort to obtain very realistic models, or on the co...
This paper is an attempt to refine Hernest’s [2] extension of Berger’s uniform quantifiers [1] to G¨odel’s functional (Dialectica) interpretation [3]. We consider the poss...