The complexity of deploying high-performance spatial structures in transactional DBMS environments has motivated researchers to experiment with the idea of reusing the effort inve...
We consider the problem of browsing the top ranked portion of the documents returned by an information retrieval system. We describe an interactive relevance feedback agent that a...
We analyze the persistence of information on the web, looking at the percentage of invalid URLs contained in academic articles within the CiteSeer (ResearchIndex) database. The nu...
Steve Lawrence, Frans Coetzee, Gary William Flake,...
We investigate three issues in distributed information retrieval, considering both TREC data and U.S. Patents: (1) topical organization of large text collections, (2) collection r...
Leah S. Larkey, Margaret E. Connell, James P. Call...
This paper discusses a new type of semi-supervised document clustering that uses partial supervision to partition a large set of documents. Most clustering methods organizes docum...
This paper presents a system that retrieves descriptive phrases of proper nouns from free text. Sentences holding the specified noun are ranked using a technique based on pattern ...