Peer-to-Peer (p2p) networks are used for sharing content by millions of users. Often, meta-data used for searching is missing or wrong, making it difficult for users to find cont...
Traditional machine-learned ranking algorithms for web search are trained in batch mode, which assume static relevance of documents for a given query. Although such a batch-learni...
We present a method for automated topic suggestion. Given a plain-text input document, our algorithm produces a ranking of novel topics that could enrich the input document in a m...
We consider the problem of learning to rank relevant and novel documents so as to directly maximize a performance metric called Expected Global Utility (EGU), which has several de...
This overview introduces the aim of the SMUC 2010 workshop, as well as the list of papers presented in the workshop. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3 [Information Systems]: ...
In this paper we propose a new knowledge management task which aims to map Web pages to their corresponding records in a structured database. For example, the DBLP database contai...
Tim Weninger, Fabio Fumarola, Jiawei Han, Donato M...
An aggregated search interface is designed to integrate search results from different sources (web, image, video, blog, etc) into a single result page. This paper presents two us...
Shanu Sushmita, Hideo Joho, Mounia Lalmas, Robert ...