This paper describes our participation in the Medical Image Retrieval task of Image CLEF 2008. Our aim was to evaluate different combination methods for purely textual and visual ...
The present article presents the steps involved in the transformation of the TE system that was used in the RTE3 competition in 2007 for the AVE 2008 exercise. We describe the rule...
We describe our participation in Multilingual Question Answering at CLEF 2008 using German and English as our source and target languages respectively. The system was built using ...
This paper describes an application of statistical co-occurrence techniques that built on top of a probabilistic image annotation framework is able to increase the precision of an ...
Ainhoa Llorente, Simon E. Overell, Haiming Liu 000...
This paper reports our multimedia information retrieval experiments carried out for the ImageCLEF track (ImageCLEFwiki). The task is to answer to user information needs, i.e. quer...
Abstract. We present a method that uses GeoWordNet for Geographical Information Retrieval. During the indexing phase, all places are disambiguated and assigned their coordinates on...
The QA campaign at CLEF [1], was manly the same as that proposed last year. The results and the analyses reported by last year's participants suggested that the changes introd...
In this paper, we assess the impact of using thesaurus-based query expansion methods, at the Information Retrieval (IR) stage of a Question Answering (QA) system. We focus on expan...
Abstract. LogAnswer is a logic-oriented question answering system developed by the AI research group at the University of Koblenz-Landau and by the IICS at the University of Hagen....